Within this
painting many symbols of our (NANA) journey with the flute have been represented. Although
of course, interpretation of any painting is within the eye of the beholder, we invite you to view it with an eye for the
following, as found within the four elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water:
Circle – connectivity, seasons, life, the Earth, the drum and therefore the heartbeat of humanity
fiery Sun radiates upon a framework of flutes, upon which a Branch flute is the horizon (horizon = a point upon which
we set our life’s journey).
coincidentally emerge in shapes reminiscent of birds of prey and waterfowl
Sun/Circle of Flames – embodies the passion for music, sharing, learning, living
flutes are of wood and as such, reflect our tie with the land.
Each flute
is symbolic of an aspect of the founders of NANA:
* the
turtle block is Turtle Island…from the origins of the
Earth according to the legends of the Northeastern Woodlands people
the eagle block – Eagle is sacred and is also in part, some of the name of Zhiibaayanaakwad, our mentor within
the Seven Sacred Teachings
* the
fallen branch flute symbolizes harmony, recycling, closeness to the Nature within our nature, and the “first”
Raven/Tune’l – Supernatural Hero, Trickster, Matchmaker and Storyteller
the Loon – Voice of our Wilderness
the Wolf – The Pathfinder and also a Voice of our Wilderness
wears a necklace of “loonlings” in the shape of music notes are our youth who will carry the music and
language of our cultures forward into the future
Woodpecker – if you look carefully between the three creatures, you will see an abstract outline of the Pileated
Woodpecker, from which so many flute stories arise
Within the
shape of the woodpecker we find….
– the peaks to which we raise our expectations and which also present us with great challenge
tree – from which many of our flutes are made and songs flow
River – carrying us along through life to the sea and the ebb and flow in the tides of life and the importance
of keeping our waters CLEAN
Symbol of the Metis Nation flowing through the waters of life – pride in our identity
Of One Voice - We Are All Related!